Friday, 9 May 2014

Day 11 - Be Present in the Experience

Walk Slowly
"It only takes a reminder to breathe, a moment to be still, and just like that, something in me settles, softens, makes space for imperfection.  The harsh voice of judgment drops to a whisper and I remember again that life isn't a relay race; that we will all cross the finish line; that waking up to life is what we were born for.  As many times as I forget, catch myself charging forward without even knowing where I'm going, that many times I can make the choice to stop, to breath, and be, and walk slowly into the mystery"- Danna Faulds

I have been catching myself a lot this last week being so focused on the END RESULT intent of why I'm here and forgetting that I'm IN INDIA!!!  And when I catch myself I almost scold myself for feeling that way rather than just accepting I'm feeling natural emotions; accepting them and moving on to enjoy another experience in India.  

For example, on Sunday many of us have planned as a group to go to an elephant wash to experience elephants, wash them and ride them . . . just to interact with such an amazing, majestic creature and I've actually contemplated not going because I worry it will take up my whole day and I'll lose studying time. Meanwhile I felt like if ALL I did was experience the elephants PLUS the 2 hour drive to see more countryside of India and leave our little area for a day then I would be fulfilled with ONLY having done that.  How could I give up such a precious experience AND share it with a group of people who have become my yoga family in this moment?  

I have vowed to stop "charging forward" and strive to live and breathe in each moment and be grateful for every opportunity I have here to experience INDIA . . . the yoga will happen and I will be better for the experience which will open up space in my psyche to focus on the tasks at hand.  

This morning the rain had stopped and we all made our way to Moksha Shala to do our self-led practice.  I rather enjoyed it.  Julia led us through Surya Namaskara A and left us to do B and complete the entire Primary Series.  All of our instructors were there if we had questions and also to assist with alignment and adjustments were applicable.  We were all very focused and I really enjoyed it.  We were able to go at our own pace and still get the postures done in the 2-hour time, some earlier.  I learn best by doing.  I always start the led class with the intention of focusing on Julia's instructions and transitions so I can remember, and then I get lost in my own focus and practice in the moment . . . which is what I should be doing.  There is no better way for me to learn the sequence than to do it on my own.  I look forward to tomorrow.  

Spent the day getting through our classes.  We completed our entire series in Anatomy of alignment today and spent the day preparing for our 30-minute sequence we had to design.  I worked with Alicia and Emma in my room to complete our sequences and get feedback on whether or not they flow.  

Tonight for our final class we had meditation with Upendra at the ocean shala.  I was finally able to really get into my zone and think that the style of meditation we did tonight John and I should do before bed to shut off our brains and get ourselves into a relaxed sleep state.  I look forward to that.  

Another day to experience in India tomorrow.  



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